Franz Valente's artistic ventures span a wide spectrum, ranging from crafting heavy electronic beats to exploring the realms of alternative rock. In each project, he changes his drum setup, fearlessly venturing into experimental territories, he collaborates with avant-garde artists to push the boundaries of sound and creativity.
SNARE DRUM EXORCISM: Embarking on a kinetic conversation with the snare drum, SNARE DRUM EXORCISM showcases additional electronic noise to create a unique sonic landscape.
MENK': Bringing together cymbals, harmonium, stringed instruments, electronics, snare drum, and electric guitar, MENK' crafts a mesmerizing blend of timbres and colors, silences, and noises, resulting in music that transcends time.
ROBOX: A masked power trio, ROBOX delivers high-impact instrumental music with a fusion of furious punk energy and ambitious prog-rock aspirations.
BUÑUEL: An unpredictable fusion of angular rhythms, drum salvos, blitzkrieg guitars, and vocals that teeter between threats and promises. BUÑUEL's sound is a mix of post-punk, proto-heavy, and avant-garde noise artistry.