Unforgiving, merciless, beautiful, BUÑUEL have just released their third album, "Killers Like Us" via Profound Lore and La Tempesta International, the third part of a trilogy that started with "A Resting Place for Strangers", and then "The Easy Way Out ". This album is a killer addition to the canon of good music for bad people. BUÑUEL's unpredictable amalgam of angular rhythms, drum salvos, blitzkrieg guitars and vocals that sound more like threats than promises is post-punk, proto-heavy and arty (as in avant-garde noise).
BUÑUEL are a near-super group of global significance boasting the sound work of the Italian trio of guitarist Xabier Iriondo, the bass of Andrea Lombardini, and the drums of Francesco Valente, along with the vocals of Eugene S. Robinson.